Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mia's Letters

This was so much fun to do! These came already painted white from Michael's so no finishing needed. I knew I wanted to incorporate the pink, purple, and the bright green of Mia's bedroom but wasn't sure how. I pulled out some Martha Stewart Pearl Acrylic Paints in those colors and I accidentaly dripped some pink paint on the A and when I used a paper towel to quickly wipe it off I loved the blotch it left! So I basically "sponge" painted them with paper towels. After I got the color on I put a heavier edge of pink around each letter to highlight them a little more for when they would be up on her purple walls.

The paint was dry very quickly and a while ago I had already bought some fabric with a Fairy pattern on it. (Of course I had to buy it despite the fact that I don't sew. It had FAIRY'S on it!) I wasn't happy with wrapping the material around the letter so I started cutting the Fairy's themselves out and laying them on the letter's.

It was just what I wanted!  No project I do would be complete without some bling so I used Crystal stickles on the fairy wings and flower centers and mod podged all of the fabric pieces onto the letters.  Next I went thru my bits and pieces of chipboard and grabbed this Little Angel one which I had ordered from Dusty Attic. (If you don't already know about them they are in the U.K.

First I lightly covered it with Gesso to change it to a faint white. Then I found some glitter glaze I had bought ages ago and coated it with that. Once dry I coated it again and then lightly dipped it into some white glitter flakes I had poured into a pile. I loved the feathery look!

I also had a little letter M charm that I glued on.  The butterflies are from a Martha Stewart Punch which is very cool as it punches three different patterns allowing you to layer them with wings upright.  For a finishing touch I added a little purple bow to the "A".  The best part about this whole project was that Allison and Andre loved it and got them hung up!


Anonymous said...

so pretty!!!

Judy said...

and something Mia and Allison will treasure forever!!!!